GO [insert team name here]! – Two sporty crocheted scarf patterns

Living in Colorado, the majority of folks in our area are going to be Denver Broncos fans. My dad asked me recently if I could make a Broncos scarf for his wife for Christmas. Any time my dad asks for something, I know he’s put a lot of thought into it and I am always happy to help him out!

I’ve been on the hunt for a chevron pattern for some time and realized this scarf would be the perfect project to do it with. But first, I had to find a chevron pattern.

Always helpful and coming to my rescue, Jamie, my fellow crocheter and associate editor, heard my plea and started looking frantically for a chevron pattern to help me in my “crisis.” (Ok, maybe she wasn’t really looking frantically and it wasn’t really a crisis, but she understood the magnitude of my situation).

Jamie found a great chevron pattern on our website. It actually came from a Beginner’s Guide article about yardage, called “Yardage: Crochet vs. Knit.” In the article, there are several chevron swatches, as well as feather and fan swatches in knit and crochet versions. And the best part? It’s a FREE download!

I decided on the Crochet Chevron 1 swatch to make my scarf and intermingled the definitive Denver Broncos colors of orange and blue. I added some white to break it up a little and maybe give it more of a “sporty” look.

20141121_125702_smI think it is coming along nicely. I did 9 rows of blue, then 3 rows of orange, 2 rows of white, and back to 3 rows of orange. The next 9 rows will be blue again and then back to orange and white. I’ll just keep going until I find the size I like. Hopefully, it will end with the blue color!

Of course, if you aren’t a Broncos fan, you can substitute any team’s colors and make a scarf too. This pattern works up quickly, so you could make a few for gifts for the sports fans in your life this Christmas.

If you aren’t really into chevrons, we also have the Game Day Scarf from our Love of Crochet Holiday 2012 issue. Since it, too, was made by a local designer, it is also in Bronco colors. Again, substitute the colors for your team and, “GO [insert your team name here]!”